Quickly build an inspection checklist with customisable templates


Whether you need an OSHA self-inspection checklist, vehicle inspection report, or an incident report, C-AUDIT has templates for almost every use case. It takes the guesswork out of inspections by showing your team exactly what kind of answer you want. You can also add logic so only the most important questions appear. Also, enable repeated sections so inspectors can use the same set of questions as often as they need to when inspecting different assets.

Template Builder

Our user-friendly template builder allows you to customise your templates to get the information you need. You can set different response types for your template including multiple choice, text answers, checkboxes, and more. You can also include instructions and reference images to make sure your team knows what to watch out for.

Existing Templates

C-AUDIT has thousands of pre-built and fully customisable templates on our platform. You can make them your own by changing, adding, or removing questions in the template builder.

Public Library

You can not only use already existing templates but also add your template to our public library. In turn, you get access to hundreds of new checklists and inspection templates designed and shared by industry experts.

Automatic Syncing

C-AUDIT offers automatic syncing to ensure that template updates are automatically rolled out to all users so inspections across all sites follow the same standard. You can create and update checklists in minutes, deploying to your whole work force from one platform.

Checklist Conversion

If you have an existing PDF, Excel, or Word inspection form or checklist, you can transform it into a fully customisable C-AUDIT template. Either smart scan your form or get in touch with us. Our experts will convert the template for you at no cost.